martedì 28 dicembre 2010

A little bit worst... a little bit better

Life ain't easy, it's very hard and is even harder if you have MS. I'm not victimizing myself, just that when you're not feeling your body anymore and the new year is coming... it's hard to hope. What I hope for in the new year? To be a normal person? Yeah, you're right, that's to much to ask... I just want to be again as I was, last week, a little bit better.

mercoledì 15 dicembre 2010


Today I will talk about fighting! Fighting to keep control over your body but mostly to keep control over your mind, and if fighting means having to go through different kinds of medication that somehow hurt you, you should try, because let me tell you, if benefits overall the losses it will help you. There is no medication free from consequences but you will have to balance everything after a long talk with your doctor. You should have an open discussion with your doctor and tell him or her what you expect from a medication, what you want to improve, he will know what's best for you, and if you feel that your doctor is not paying attention to you or your state of health is worsening that you should see another one. Doctors are human and often they make mistakes but when your health is in stake you have the right to seak a better human being with amedical profession. I will not give names for medication, I am not a doctor, I am just a pacient that when was in need her doctor knew what was best for her.

venerdì 19 novembre 2010

What is Multiple sclerosis like for you?

Hello everybody,
Today I've decided to listen to other people going through the same ordeal, to hear how they are facing this illness and how they deal with MS. Listening to them helps me, it makes me feel that I am not alone, it gives me courage to endure and to fight. Hope it will be the same thing for you too.

Click here to see the video.
Here is another video.

giovedì 18 novembre 2010

Keep on going

What keeps you going on? What is the thing that helps you face your condition everyday and get out of bed? So many things happen that could take us down, you may wake up one morning with some new simptom, maybe you notice that you can't feel the hand of your husband holding yours, that you can't see the face of your best friend, or that you need some degree of assistance when walking. What is that helps you look in the mirror and see not just the spasm that contract the muscles on your face in a painfull way but makes you see yourself as the unique and extraordinary human beeing that you are? Is it the family? Friends? Work? Hobbies? Passions? This are the things that work for me but mostly I wake up everyday with the hope that something good and beautiful might happen that day. I learned to see beauty in the most simple things: a walk, a flower, a smiling face. MS can take some many things from you but you should not allow it to take your will to begin another day or the smile on your face.
Suprinsingly the MS gave me a good thing too, it helped me realise that I should live every moment as the last one, that I should enjoy every moment and every thing in my life, it helped me appreciate and discover things I ignored before.
Carpe diem!

martedì 16 novembre 2010

Hello everyone

I've just created this blog with the purpose of helping all the persons diagnosed with MS find consolation and understanding in our fight against this "thing" that everyday takes something from us and only rarely borrows it back to us for short moments. Here is where you can see that you are not alone, here is where you can ask questions, maybe find answers and share bits of informations about everything taht is related to this condition.
The description of this blog " If MS is a bitch, fuck it!" is just an encouragement to fight and never give up. Feel free to share everything that goes through your mind. Bye, bye.